??.????? ™ is a cultural management workshop which proposes to develop management abilities and to create a context of collaboration on a local and international level for young artists and cultural operators, regardless of the artistic area.
? It will take place between October 21-25, at Faber Community.
✅ What will be the funding sources for cultural projects in 2023 and what will the new funding requests look like from the perspective of changes in cultural legislation and the tax code?
✅How can a relevant and impactful project be developed taking into account the experience of the pandemic?
✅What types of activities are relevant for Timișoara and how can we integrate them into our future projects?
?Starting from the questions above, we will try to analyze together the current situation and identify new solutions and types of projects, especially in the context of 2023. We will also analyze, if the new grids and guides will be available of financing that will be launched by AFCN in September 2022.
The ??.?????™ workshop is led by expert Cosmin Manolescu, with over 20 years of experience in implementing cultural projects.
?The approach will be a participatory one, participants being invited to propose a work topic or a topic of interest when registering for the workshop and of course, to contribute directly to the proposed topics. Each day of the workshop will end with a Q & A session where Cosmin will answer the participants’ questions.
?Those interested in participating in the cultural management workshop can sign up with a message and a CV/??? at the address ??????@?????????????.?? until October 15, 2022. Only 10 cultural operators will be selected, within the limits of available places. In your message, please also mention a topic of interest proposed for the workshop (project management, time management, building a budget, national and European funding sources, European collaboration projects, etc.).
? The participation fee for the ??.?????™ workshop is 50 lei (one day) or 120 lei for all three days. After confirming the place reservation, the payment of the participation fee will have to be paid to the AREAL DANS SRL account, account IBAN RO18BTRLRONCRT0583972701 opened at Banca Transilvania with the mention “Re.START Timisoara”.
***If you want to participate on behalf of a legal structure, please send us the data for issuing the invoice.***
?The cultural management workshop ??.START™ is developed by AREAL – space for choreographic development and included in the “D.A.N.S ™ – collective dance platform for Timișoara” project, developed in partnership with Indie Box, AREAL – space for choreographic development in Trance Designed and implemented with the support of the Timișoara City Hall through the Timișoara Project Center.
??.?????™ is a ZonaD Management project that wants to contribute to increasing cultural management knowledge and the successful implementation of cultural projects.
✍️The workshop is organized in the context in which multiple changes were recently made to the cultural legislation and the fiscal code, which will radically change the way in which cultural projects will be financed in the future. By the expected changes we can mention: the transition to a multi-annual financing system (2 years), the obligation of employment with a work card for creative SRLs, the taxation of 16% of the income of creative companies without employees, but also other important changes at the level grids and calls for projects that will be launched soon by ACFN, the Timișoara Project Center and other financiers in Romania.
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