21 Mar

Individual consciousness, Family consciousness and the consciousness of a larger whole

21 Mar
Event start date

21 March, 2024

Event end date

21 March, 2024

Event details

In the last workshop in the series we take a picture of our consciousness as we understand it from the point of view of the Family Constellations. In addition to the individual and the family, we will add a type of consciousness that acts, namely that of a larger whole. We all want a fulfilled life, so we’ll discuss the hierarchy of systems and the order that seems to best support that desire.
The intention is to provide a practical experience in addition to the discussions – in this way we also contribute to the fundamental question that echoes in all the workshops of the series: “why would we make a family constellation?”, but this time from the perspective of systemic hierarchies and of this new and mysterious consciousness of a greater whole.

What is this event about?
About the hierarchy of systems and about the order that is most suitable for a life as fulfilling as possible. We are all part of multiple systems – we work for a company, we have a nationality, we are male or female, and so on.

What does this workshop intend to offer?
The workshop intends to provide the necessary information to those who ask the question “why make a family constellation?” – from the perspective of the hierarchy of systems and the consciousness of a greater whole. It also offers a hands-on experience of what a family constellation looks and feels like.

What do I get if I come?
Information to help you decide if it’s the right time to opt for a family constellation. A first hands-on experience that reveals this world to you. If you have challenges in maintaining a balance between different systems (family, work, circle of friends, etc.) this workshop may shed light on why this happens.

Is it necessary to have attended the first workshops?
No, it is not necessary. But it is recommended to read beforehand about the three laws that govern the Family Constellations.

How long does it take, how does it work, how much does it cost and how do I sign up
The workshop lasts 3 hours, takes place at Faber, in the Hamilton Ideation Room (upstairs). We’ll take a short break somewhere in the middle of it.
The contribution of each of you: 70 ron (the last workshop at this price). And for those who can afford less material things, there are 2 entrances with a special rate, which we will establish together.
Maximum number of participants: 15
For registration, fill out the form.

About the facilitator – Florin Vâlcu did the family constellation facilitator training with Dragoș Riti and Barbara Morgan. He trained in Transactional Analysis with John Heath, Liz Heath, Sorin Duma and Ioana Duma. He attended Lidia Cotoșman’s NLP Practitioner and Master NLP courses. He is an observer and practitioner of Satyananda Yoga. Both alone and with his wife he facilitates Family Constellations workshops or works individually with clients for whom this alternative is preferable.

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