6 Sep

RVQ tour – Shapes: Timișoara, Faber

6 Sep
Event start date

6 September, 2022

Event end date

6 September, 2022

Event details

    Continuing the idea that music is a universal language that – beyond the notations typical of each musical system – is composed of conceptual forms that can be understood everywhere, by anyone and at any time, “RVQ – Shapes” aims to restore the freedom of musical creation, overcoming old templates, far too rigid, in search of new forms of expression.

    “RVQ – Shapes” is realized through a series of 5 new musical compositions, creations based on microstructures and minimal forms, itinerant in a national tour that includes 9 concerts and 10 workshops, events addressed to the young and very young audience. The 5 original compositions will be complemented by 5 video art works, created by visual artist Mihai Cucu, works that will accompany RVQ in concert through video projections.

    “RVQ – Shapes” is a cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN). Partners: “Nicolae Minovici” Museum, Venetic Fest Gherdeal, Bistrita Concert Society, Faber Timișoara, Atelier Cafe Cluj Napoca, MA Hub Oradea, Palace of Culture Târgu Mureș, Control Club Bucharest, National College of Music “George Enescu” Bucharest, High School No. 1 Dâlga Gară Călărași county, High School no. 1 Micești, Argeș county and “Toma Arnăuțoiu” Gymnasium School, Nucșoara, Argeș county.
    The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

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