15 Mar

Theater show ”Puf buf” | Teatrul Basca

15 Mar
Event start date

15 March, 2022

Event end date

15 March, 2022

Event details

FABER, Timisoara

    On Tuesday, March 15, from 17.00, the Basque theater invites you to the show ??? ???, a world of childhood, imagination, playful spirit.

    ??? from pufarini.
    ??? from the joke.
    ??? ??? is a theater show for children and adults alike, which introduces the viewer to a journey of wonder, play, the discovery of sounds and colors.

    A concept of Tovarnisky Coast
    Cast: Darius Borchescu, Angelo Borcănescu, Maria Istrate, Mihaela Mic, Denisa Gonda, Elisa Mihai, Tudor Moștiu, Paulino Călin, Andrei Ruxanda, Andrei Sârbu, Alessio Boți, Sara Boți.
    Directed by Costa Tovarnisky, Ana Maria Ursu, Vadim Rusu.
    Scenography: Lia Pfeiffer
    Costumes: Elena Mazăre
    Music: Gabi Almasi
    Video projections: Dan Ungureanu
    Lights: Cristian Popescu
    Counselor, mimetic-gestural interpreter: Angela Mate

    Access to the show is free, and is based on the reservation and presentation of the green certificate.

    ??? ??? is made with children from the Inclusive Education Center “Constantin Pufan” in Timisoara, under the guidance of actors Costa Tovarnisky, Ana Maria Ursu and Vadim Rusu, and is part of the project “Beyond words”. More about the project, here:…/dincolo-de-cuvinte-la-teatrul-basca/

    “Beyond words” is a project developed by the Solidart Association, and funded by the program “In good condition”, supported by Kaufland Romania and implemented by the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society.

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