14 Dec

Family Constellations – About parents and children

14 Dec
Event start date

14 December, 2023

Event end date

14 December, 2023

Event details

After the first Family Constellations events, there are a few basic ideas, namely that there is a family consciousness that operates above individual consciousness according to well-established laws and directly influences us regardless of our will. Just like the law of gravity, which is simply there and acting, whether we are aware of it or not.

We now come to the subject of the fourth event in the series of six, that which relates to parents and children. We were all children and some of us chose to become parents in turn. From a systemic perspective, children are seen as the symptom of the family; they are deeply connected to family consciousness, and through behavior they move to include what has been excluded, to express a conflict of order, or to signal an imbalance between giving and receiving. What is visible on a conscious level is exactly the behavior mentioned above, often misunderstood by adults who seek to “correct” it without understanding its deeper causes. And the fact that this deeper cause goes untreated can lead to that child remaining a prisoner of that systemic mess.

So in this event, we will discuss together the influence of the three laws of the family system and add information to clarify the subconscious processes that happen to all of us. In this way we also contribute to the fundamental question that echoes in all the workshops of the series: “why should we make a family constellation?”, but this time from the perspective of parents and children.

The event on December 14 is about the influence of the laws of family conscience on the relationships between parents and children. On how systemic entanglements influence the parent-child relationship.

The workshop intends to provide the necessary information to those who ask the question “why make a family constellation?” – from the perspective of the parent-child relationship. It also offers a hands-on experience of what a family constellation looks and feels like.

The workshop lasts 3 hours, takes place at Faber, in the Hamilton Ideation Room (upstairs).
The contribution is 70 ron.
Maximum number of participants: 15
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