8 Nov

Closing Conference of the Bright Cityscapes Program

8 Nov
Event start date

8 November, 2023

Event end date

8 November, 2023

Event details

The Bright Cityscapes program started with a research on the economic structure of Timișoara, coordinated by the sociologist Norbert Petrovici, which formed the basis of the cultural content proposed by the curator Martina Muzi and organized by FABER and the Politehnica University of Timișoara.

After a year full of events within the program: conferences, exhibitions “Mirroring the Ecosystem”, “Turn Signals – Design is not a Dashboard”, “Atlas of Distances”, workshops and mediation programs, we invite you to the ??????? ?????????? of the Bright Cityscapes program and ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????????.

On ???????? ?, we return to the starting point of the program, when we were visiting the factories in Timișoara, and we organize the conference in one of the factories whose doors we managed to open at the beginning of the program, namely the AZUR factory.
The event is a very special one and will have renowned international experts as guests, who will share different perspectives on the factors and vectors that contribute to the evolution of a city.

– ?????? ?????, architect, critic, curator and editor. Creative director of Design Academy Eindhoven and co-founder of design research studio Space Caviar.
– ?????? ??? ?????, freelance curator, moderator and educator. Former curator of Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. Director of the Master’s program entitled The Critical Inquiry Lab, within the Design Academy Eindhoven
– ??????? ?????????, sociologist, anthropologist, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. Coordinator of the research team of the Bright Cityscapes Program

Each guest will present his own perspective on how a place like Timișoara can plan its future, i.e. reach its potential – having as a starting point its own professional practices, but also the content of the Bright Cityscapes program.

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14:00 – Guided tour of the exhibition ”Turn Signals – Design is not a Dashboard” at FABER, with curator Martina Muzi
15:30 – Guided tour of the Azur factory
16:00 – Introduction by Florin Drăgan and Oana Simionescu
16:10 – 16:40 — Lecture by Norbert Petrovici
16:40 – 17:10 — Lecture by Saskia van Stein
17:10 – 17:40 — Lecture by Joseph Grima
17:40 – 17:50 — Break
17:50 – 19:00 — Round table moderated by Ștefan Ghenciulescu, with the participation of: Martina Muzi, Joseph Grima, Saskia van Stein, Norbert Petrovici, Simona Fiț

During the event, we will also launch the Bright Cityscapes publication, which presents in depth the components of the Bright Cityscapes program and includes interviews with program coordinators, essays and interviews with designers and curator, insights from Norbert Petrovici’s report and reflections on the collaboration between design and industry.

?????????! The number of conference participants is limited, so we invite you to register by filling out the form:

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