11 Jul

Triplex Confinium Think Brick exhibition + Multiplier event

11 Jul
Event start date

11 July, 2022

Event end date

11 July, 2022

Event details

    Think Brick! is a competition addressing students and young professionals willing to reimagine Jimbolia’s former industrial area, through means, strategies and tactical approaches of all scales that can emphasize to local and regional communities the rich cultural, natural and built heritage developed around brick production and bricklaying techniques.

    Triplex Confinium is an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership between the architecture schools in, and around, the DKMT Euroregion. In all, it ecompases five architecture schools of different sizes, a geography faculty and a sociology department.

    From its onset Triplex Confinium’s mission was to tackle the gaps and mismatches between partner countries educational programs within the field of architecture, while, at the same time, looking at the spatial discontinuities along the borders of Hungary, Serbia and Romania. But these discontinuities, gaps and mismatches include not only real observable territorial issues. They can be as easily traced along the lines of national accreditation systems within higher education, teaching methodologies, and thematic interests. Naturally, partners agreed to search for some common ground. This could be mapped physically, in the territory spanning between our schools (our common hinterland), as well as academically, through learning experiences leading towards a new joint curriculum. A hybrid program that mixes different educational modules with a competition, showcasing not only the schools themselves but the many missions future architects will be faced with when dealing with this hinterland.

    The program is imagined as a flexible international curriculum with three main components:

    • The Open Competition
    • The Summer Schools
    • The Debates

    On the 11th of July, we will be hosting the presentation of the Triplex Confinium program with a focus on its future impact and possibilities, followed by a panel talk and a book launch. See you soon!

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