23 Sep

Conference: Pedagogical activism and Cultural geographies

23 Sep
Event start date

23 September, 2023

Event end date

23 September, 2023

Event details

ARChA, UPT, Timisoara

As part of the opening event of the “Atlas of Distances” exhibition, we invite you to the conference “Pedagogical activism and Cultural geographies”, a discussion about radical pedagogical approaches and education’s contribution to the urban ecology of Timisoara.

We are looking forward for you to meet the tutors and coordinators of the three departments of architecture and design from the three institutions participating in the exhibition: the Faculty of Architecture from the Politehnica University of Timișoara (RO), the Studio Technogeographies from the Design Academy Eindhoven (NL) and Borders and Territories from TU Delft (NL) and learn about the teaching and engagement methods they implement.

Centred around pedagogy and its role in addressing urgent issues, this conference delves into the possible means of pedagogical activism and its potential to engage with different spaces of cultural production and dissemination. It explores what is needed to foster a pedagogy that stimulates critical thinking and transformative learning experiences.

We are waiting for you on September 23, from 2 p.m. for a guided tour of the exhibition with the curator Martina Muzi, followed at 3 p.m. by discussions about alternative pedagogies and the role of these practices at the local and international level, in the ARChA space of the Politehnica University of Timișoara.

Check out the full program of the conference:
14:00 Exhibition guided tour with curator Martina Muzi
15:00-15:10 — Introductory words by Assoc. Prof. Cristian Blidariu
15:10-15:40 — A series of short presentations:
1 – Borders and Territories: Assoc. Prof. Marc Schoonderbeek and Lect. Negar Sanaan Bensi
2 – Studio Technogeographies – Martina Muzi and Roberto Perez Gayo
3 – Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, UPT – Assoc. Prof. Cristian Blidariu
15:40-16:30 — Debate about the role of Alternative Pedagogies Programs within Universities, moderated by Loredana Gaiță, with the participation of studio tutors: Cristian Blidariu, Martina Muzi, Roberto Perez Gayo, Marc Schoonderbeek and Negar Sanaan Bensi.

The conference ”Pedagogical activism and Cultural Geographies” is part of the Bright Cityscapes program, organized by Universitatea Politehnică Timișoara and FABER, with funding from: Primăria Municipiului Timișoara through Centrul de Proiecte, Ordinul Arhitecților din România, Fundația Flex and Fundația Alber

Program made with the support of: Azur România, Banca Transilvania, Continental România, Flex România, Hamilton Central Europe, Honeywell, Nokia România, Vivalia Real Estate. Mobility partner: Autonom România

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