This event, the first in a series of 6 events, is aimed at those who need to understand what is happening at the Family Constellations. Logically, with ideas and with models. And who are willing to debate, because that's their way of getting into the story. To ask. And to live by examples, leaving aside the fear of getting involved.
The purpose of the workshop is to tell a short story about the founder and those who pioneered this work in Romania. You will discuss the method, the guiding principles, with a multidisciplinary perspective. Ready to be shared, dissected and tested by you.
But perhaps the most important thing is that you will demonstrate practically, because that kind of understanding, on another level, can give you the motivation to act for that change in your life that you need now. With courage and curiosity.
Have you seen the series "Another Self" on Netflix? Try it, it can give you a fascinating visual insight into this world.
And because I mentioned a series, the following events are designed to bring to the fore innovative and yet challenging ideas about partners in a relationship, about guilt, innocence and the limit of consciousness, the couple relationship, the family, the relationship between parents and children, about the consciousness of the family group, about love and about the greater soul. All through the eyes of those who innovated - Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber, Hunter Beaumont and others.
About the founder: Florin Vâlcu did the family constellation facilitator training with Dragoș Riti and Barbara Morgan. He trained in Transactional Analysis with John Heath, Liz Heath, Sorin Duma and Ioana Duma. He attended Lidia Cotoșman's NLP Practitioner and Master NLP courses. He is an observer and practitioner of Satyananda Yoga. Both alone and with his wife he facilitates Family Constellations workshops or works individually with clients for whom this alternative is preferable.
The contribution of each of you: 70 ron. And for those who can afford less material things, they have 2 entrances with a special rate, which you will determine together.
Maximum number of participants: 15
To register, please fill out the form below: